Mummy + Me • August 2016

My blog has been a little quiet from my Summer holiday posts but I have been away camping again, blog post to follow.

So we are at the end of August which means its time for a Mummy + Me post. We have had such a fun filled month but sadly at the beginning my other half lost his job.

During this month we have had to camping holidays which were amazing. Both times were super cheap but super fun too with great company. We attended Rural past times and Hellingly festival of transport and also had a lovely afternoon on the pier.

This month Lilly seems to have grown so much, maybe it is because of the experiences we have had over our weekends away but I still can't seem to get into my head that Lil's will be 4 in two weeks. 

I have just a couple of weeks left with Lil's until she is back at nursery and I hope that we can give her a brilliant end to het summer holidays. 


Nicola... Life Through My Eyes


  1. They grow up far too quickly, I think they change ever more so over the holidays!! Thanks for linking up with #mummyandme x


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