Bath paint fun • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #12

Today we have done a lot but not got a lot done if that makes sense. We haven't stopped today but it seems to have been the most uneventful day so far. 

Lilly today has been having fun with the usual play doh making biscuits and pancakes for me and Daddy and peas for her baby haha. She has also done a lot of colouring and drawing today as well. She is getting on so well with her colouring and tries to stay within the lines more often. 

During bath time today I decided to let her have her bath paints out. Wr made some splatty art on the tiles before lilly mixed the two together to make purple. 

She also painted her face and her bath toys too which she found hilarious for some reason, bless her. Bathpaint is such cool stuff and smells so nice too. 

Tomorrow is going to hopefully be a fun day and evening as have a couple of thjngs planned :) watch this space.



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