We're going camping • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #16

I have been a bad blogger today and have mot got any photos but I have not stopped since literally the moment I got up.

Our day started at 6:45am when me and Lil's had to leave to get my Dad to a hospital appointment for 8am. It was so cold and I was ridiculously tired too but we made it with plenty of time to spare.

When we got home I finally had my breakfast and felt a lot better after that. I woke my other half up and got him out of the house when he needed to be which meant I could get on with bits.

Last night we decided that we would join the rest of Liam's family camping out at Rural past times and to help out as well. The only thing is that it has only given me two days noticed to get organised and packed for the weekend as we will be leaving Thursday.

After getting a lot of the house work done, Liam's Mum phoned to let me know she was picking me up to get some ReadyBeds for the weekend, a double for me and Liam and a Disney Princess junior one for Lil's, were are so greatful for these.

We got into the village that we Live and the phone rang for me to pick my Dad up so she took Lil's with her to find Daddy.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, I took Dad home and got the rest of the housework done whilst making lists in my head for the weekend.

I am super excited for this weekend away and I think it will do both me and Liam the world of good to be away from these four wall, and we know Lilly will love the adventure.



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