Being a carer for my parents

Both my parents have mobility issues and are bithnow in wheelchairs. Since I can remember my Mum has been in a wheelchair due to have a very worn hip joint which she was born with. 

When I was in year 9 my Dad's back started to hurt and progressivly got worse to the point where he struggled to get out of bed.

I am now classed as a carer to my mum which is important for me, my mum is very stubborn and sometime I have to have a little nag to get her to do things.

I don't see my parents in any other way than just my parents, if that makes sense. My Mum is an amazing person who makss me proud every day. Due her lack of mobility she also has other health problems which she can control with tablets and lifestyle changes. 

My Dad is still constantly on the go with his veterans and the local carnival which he does every year using his mobility scooter as his base for his structure. He does feel it after he compeltes things but I think it gives him motivation to get up abd about.

I have always worried about my parents, maybe a little more than others, due to there problems and feel like I have had to grow up quicker than other children but I also think that it has made me a stronger person in the whole. 

I sometimes think about my Mums life and worry that she may feel like she has missed out on things such as travelling and silly things like going on rides. I know that when my Dad was still able he would take me on days out to keep my mind occupied and a couple of times a week we would go out for a family meal and go for a walk along the seaside but it's always a niggling thought



  1. It's lovely that you are able to support your parents so much and I am sure they appreciate it. Your dad sounds like he has amazing motivation for life x

  2. I wouldn't think twice about caring for my parents if they needed it. What an amazing daughter you are xxx

    1. I think with my Mum being like it since before I was born it was the norm for me x

  3. Wow you are amazing! We had my grandad live with us for a few years before he died when we were younger. it is nice to have them around and hear all their stories x

    1. I must have been nice to have all those stories, they always seem to have the juciest ones too lol x

  4. I am sure your mum is happy for all the things she has been able to experience, especially thanks to your support.

  5. You are incredible. I often wonder how people manage as carers. It must be so demanding.

    1. Its not so demanding for me as its been a part of my life since I was little, I'm so used to helping out more its second nature x

  6. They are very lucky to have you. Its made you the person you are today. Caring and thoughtful x

  7. It is great you can give back to them now and help care for them it really is such a selfless act. I am sure there are things your mum feels she has missed out on but then I am sure there are loads of things she made up for it with :) xx

  8. It's lovely that you are close to them and want to support them as much ad you can. It sounds like you have a great family dynamic xx

  9. It's lovely that your so positive about caring for your parents doing all you can. I can imagine there are some things your mum feels like she's missed out on but there are loads of things that have made up for it I'm sure and having you being so supportive and there is probably one of them :)

  10. It's great that you have done such an incredible thing by caring for them


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