Birthday Basket for Liam

This time last weej was Liam's 25th birthday, he is incredibly hard to buy for and never knows what he wants at all, so this year I thought that I would do a basket of loads of things that he likes and needs too. 

Liam love anything tk do with cars and loves cleaning his cars too so that was my main idea with a couple of added bits to bulk it out.

First I went to Halfords to look at all the car cleaning bits, they had a 3 for 2 offer on the whole range. I firstly grabbed the Auto Glym leather cleaner, he has bee going on about this for a while so that was a must, I then looked at the microfibre clothes for him and also so cockpit cleaber too, this is in the scent of New car smell which is one of his go to air freshener scents. Lastly Lilly saw the smily face air freshener which she wanted to get for him.

Next is the other bits I brought, firstly was a t-shirt which has the stig on and says 'Sone say I'm the best Dad in the world'. I thought that this would give him a little giggle. I got him his favourite body spray and shower gel which is Lynx Africa. Lastly I picked him up a little tipple, a little bottle of Bell's. He really likes this with coke and I thought that it would be a nice thing for him to relax with in the evening.

I was really happy with the way it turned out and Liam loved everything in it. 

I hope that this may have given you some ideas for someone maybe.



  1. Birthday baskets are a great idea - glad he liked it

    1. I'm glad I thought about it when I did was getting stuck on what to get c

  2. Love birthday baskets, there always a great idea. My OH loves new runners so I always get him a new pair for his bday and he's mad for moogoo soap so I always stock up for him as he never actually buys it haha

    1. I usually stock up on his favourites too lol, they probably think we think they smell.

  3. Men are SO hard to buy for I find. My son is only ten so there's plenty of things I can think of but as they get older its tempting to just give them money! This is a lovely idea x

    1. It's crazy, he loves doing bit to his car but i have no clue what he wants for it lol x

  4. I love giving baskets. They are such a good idea. This one looks fab. I hate buying for men. I've never thought to make a basket for a man x

    1. This was my first ever present basket for an adult and my start doing them more often x

  5. I don't struggle too much to buy for my hubs - he collects certain memorabilia so he's super easy to buy for! These are great choices. H x

  6. Glad he liked it and I hope he had a lovely birthday! It was my hubby's birthday last week too and from Toby and Bump, I did him a box full of little treats all starting with 'D' for daddy xx

    1. Awww that sounds really sweet, I hope he had a lovely birthday toi x

  7. It's my husbands birthday on Monday and I never know what to buy him. A birthday basket is such a good idea! X

  8. I love making hampers. Such a great idea for any occasion

    1. I usually do them for my toddler for Christmas, Easter and Valentines too x

  9. I love the idea of making them a birthday hamper, what a fun idea! x


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