Mummy + Me • April 2016

This my first Mummy and me post, I have wanted to write these for a while but have never gotton round to it. I have always wanted to document my little girls life from day one and filmed weekly pregnancy vlogs too.

We have been adverntuing out more with me having a car, then when getting back home Lil's love to wrap up in her dressing gown for some snuggles.

This month has been a testing month with extra expenses and illnesses going round. 
Now its the end of the month and we are MEANT to be going away camping and watching racing but have a broken car and two out of the three of us is ill. Hopefully all will be well by then. 

The threenager has really come out in Lilly in the past couple of months with her sulking over silly things, but she has started listening at nursery better which makes me super happy and proud of her. 


Nicola... Life Through My Eyes


  1. Cute photos! Snuggle time is the best. I hope you have a better month in May than April!

  2. Ahh she's a sweety! So frustrating when plans don't go to plan and its out of your control. Hope you're all better soon! xx

  3. You can't beat dressing gown snuggles! Hope you are all feeling better soon.

    1. They are the best, her dressing gown is adorable too, I have envy over it lol. And thank you x

  4. Aww, even as a sulky threenager, it seems she does still appreciate her mum x

    1. I hope so :) she certainly is a handful sometimes but thats parenting :) x

  5. Ah cute photos! Sorry to hear you guys have been unwell, hope things improve before your camping trip! xx

    1. Well the cars fixed so fingers crossed the germs dissapear too x

  6. I keep forgetting to join in this linky but there's never enough of photos of me and the kids.
    We always plan trips but then I am asking myself why because is guaranteed one of the kids will be sick.

    1. I never knew how to join one, been blogging for 2 years now and only just started to understand how to lol x

  7. Aw lovely photos, I hope the car got sorted and everyone got better quickly xx

    1. Luckily the car was an easy and cheap fix and thank you. We are almost all better x

  8. Fingers crossed you're well for the camping trips. All these illnesses seem to be going around so much at the moment x

    1. We did end up going, it was a little cold and very noisy though x

  9. Cute pic's! Hope your all feeling much better soon and as for the car troubles, I'm sending lucky dust xxx

    1. We are almost back to health and so it the car too. Thank you for the lucky dust :) x


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