The importance of a smear test

Last month I got my first 'invitation' to have the cervical cancer screening, or smear test as it is commonly known. I was a little surprised as I am on 24 but phoned up straight away to book an appointment. 

To me this is so inportant as it could potentially save your life. The test takes about 5 minutes, and even though it's unpleasent, in my eyes it's necessary.

I am now in tge waiting period for my letrer to say weather or not I am clear of abnormal cells. It can take up to 21 days for the letter after your appointment and you will hear either way. 

The nurse that I had was so calming she showed the equipment and explained exactly what she was going to do. She could tell I was nervous but she kept re-assuring me and just telling me to breath and relax.

I am so relieved that it is done and hope that everything is ok. But I just wanted to write this for everyone who has had the invite.

Come on ladies Take it! Book an appointment and have the test, it take 5 minutes and could save you from the awful C word.



  1. It's such an important health check - a slightly uncomfortable couple of minutes is nothing if it saves your life!

    1. I still think they should lower the age but luckily I was sent it througb a few months early anyway x

  2. Really proud of you for having it done,I am 37 and had mine done last Sept after not having a test for 12 years because of a bad experience,the age should be lowered to 18 ,there are unfortunately young ladies being diagnosed with cancer before 25yrs.

    1. I felt that it was so important for me and my family to be as healthy a possible. It is awful that you had a bad experience but I am glad you went again x

  3. It's such an important test. I have my third coming up in a few weeks. xx

  4. Really important test. I'm counting down the days until I'm legally allowed to get mine x

    1. I was sent mine through a few months early so maybe you will too x

  5. So important. My own family wouldnt get tested or go for smears even after I had Ovarian Cancer twice and my doctors told me to get my family to go get checked.

    Always always always better to be safe than sorry. If its caught early there is so much they can do for you these days.

    Its really nice to see someone taking it seriously xx

    1. I will always take it seriously hun. Our health is so important and many people don't seem to realise how precious life is.

      Luv you hun xx

  6. I'm always stressing to my friends how important they are. One of them is 30 and still hasn't had one.

    1. Omg thats crazy, the moment I got the invite I wanted to get checked. Just waiting for results now x

  7. It is really great to raise awareness, I had my first at 25.5 as I was pregnant when I got the letter and I am due another one but pregnant again so I need to wait a few more weeks until I can go for it.

    1. I didn't even think about how if you could have it if pregnant or not. X

  8. Oh I know how important it is. I keep forgetting. 29 years and I still haven't had one.

    1. Really? I honesly would get one done hun, just to be on the safe side x

  9. This reminds me, I had mine done a number of weeks back and haven't heard back from them, I need to call the Practice tomorrow. I was reluctant going in and the test in itself is unpleasant but it is so important to have it done!

    1. I have up to another two weeks to wait. Its agonising x

  10. Oh I so agree it's so important to have done. I know so many people who haven't who are older too. It's a must for all women. x

  11. It is such a important test, and we are so lucky that we get that opportunity to have that test as well. It is over so quickly but could save your life. Well done for the reminder to everyone!

    1. We do take a lot for granted. Thank you, I hope it does get at least 1 extra person to go x


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