Lunch with a friend • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #11

We have had a really lovely day, we ventured our to our local Brewer's fayre restaurant to have lunch with a friend of mine.

We spent the morning playing playdoh and chilling really befote heading out for 12. I got Lilly to choose her meal, which wasn't the best as she choose something which she decided she didn't like when it came out. Lil's picked tomato pasta with garlic bread, carrot, pepper and cucumber sticks, this was only £3.99

I went for two starters which only cost £2.50 for both, I went for garlic and parsely breaded mushrooms and crispy potato dippers with bacon and cheese. These were really good actually and the portion size was a decent size too.

After Lilly finally finished her pasta I said that she could pick a dessert off of the menu, this is only an extra 75p on top of her meal. Lil's picked mini chocolate mash up, this consisred off 3 marshmallows, 3 strawberries and 3 brownie pieces which a chocolate dip.

At our local restaurant they have a small soft play area which has two slides and plenty of space to crawl and jump around on. Lilly spent most of her time in the soft play area apart from when the food was on the table.

We had a great afternoon and a good catch up too before heading our seperate ways. 



  1. Oh that sounds like so much fun! We're doing this on Friday, going to the beach for a few hours with a group of friends from school and playgroup :)

  2. That sounds like a total bargin and the dessert sounded lovely - I'd have scoffed that!

  3. We've yet to visit a Brewer's Fayre, but see them on our travels all the time. Must make an effort to visit one after reading this xx

  4. Awww bless, I was like that as a kid. I was given the choice to choose my food and when it came out I would be like I dont like lol. Kids!!
    The dessert she choose looks delicious.

  5. Sounds like fun and such great prices for the food. But such a shame she didn't like her food in the end x

  6. This sounds a perfect place - and a great get together. We love Brewers Fayre. Kaz x

  7. I really like the Brewers Fayre, lovely family friendly restaurants and great value.


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