New brakes and Nanny's teddy • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #30

This is quite a short post but another day anither fix for my car, again its a cheap on but important, the brakes. 

My morning started off with yet another trip to Euro car parts to pick the brakes up and then get the housework done before waking my other half.

We headed over to Nanny's where we have a handstand drive to work on cars if need be and I helped by being the tool runner, Lil's was playing with Nanny and buddy which was super cute. 

Once the brakes were done we took a trip to get some gas for the weekend as we may be going camping again. It was so hot in the car but Liam had to help as they were to heavy for his Mum to carry.

He is the right odd job bloke.

We got back, had some lunch and a drink to cool down, Lilly ended up cuddling Nanny's teddy which is as old as her. We played in the garden a bit and soaked up the sun.

All in all a busy and hot day.



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