Circus Berlin • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #8

Today was Lilly's first ever time at the circus, and I couldn't have been more proud of her. We visited the Continental Circus Berlin which is currently touring Europe. 

I haven't heard of this circus before but I love a trip to the circus and this show certainly did not disappoint. 

We arrived an hour before the show and had some 50% off vouchers which made our tickets £3.50 for Lil's and £5 for me, this is for the rear view seats, which was slightly restricted by the pole but we still have a good enought view of everything.

The show started with all the performers coming into the ring and dancing around as an inrtoduction. 

The first act was jugglers which included two ladies and two men. They were really good and had some nice tricks between them too.

The next act was a lady who used an aerial hoop, this was the act that really caught Lil's eyes and she really seemed to enjoy this. There was also a contortionist who managed to shoot a baloon with her feet using a bow and arrow.  

There was then another juggling act which was lit by UV lighting to watch some bright orange balls being juggled in objects. 

The last act before the interval was 4 amazing young girls doing a gynastic style act. Thjs consisted of two poles (see pic below) which spun. The girls were hanging off of these doind poses and holdong onto each other. Thisbwas such a good act.

After the interval there was the best act by far in staging, the laser show. Lil's couldn't keep her eyes off all he the lights flying around the big top and the two performers with light up outfits. 

The 4 main jugglers wete back for the next act and they were dressed as pirates. They did a little sword fight before juggling whilst balanced on free standing ladders. As the act went on the ladders got taller and then they also used flaming apparatus.

Inbetween acts there had been two clowns, a young lad and an older man who had been distracting the crowd from the changing apparatus. This time they got there own little act which was plate spinning. This was quite good as I actually hadn't seen this done in the flesh before.

There was another aerial display with a young girl usong ribbons, again Lil's was amazed, as was I as I'd love to be able to do this.

The last act was two (quite hot) men who used eachother to balance on. The strength they must of had is crazy, they could both hold each others weight so easily. They did about 5 different poses slowly getting harder with difficulty.

The show was amazing and Lilly seemed to really love it. She had a little wobble at the very start of the show as the lights were low and smoky when the acts came out.

I was very impressed with the show and it ended up being about 2 hours with the interview.



  1. Oh it sounds brilliant, a nice variety of acts! It's ages since I've been to the circus.

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  2. This sounds amazing, I never really liked the circus much when I was younger, not until I watched the one in Blackpool Tower! x

  3. Sounds like a great circus! We had one visit our village recently, it was great!

  4. I haven't been to a circus in years! This sounds great - a lovely evening of entertainment. Kaz x

  5. I used to love circus as a child but I haven't seen a show in years

  6. Sounds amazing, I haven't been in years and I'd love to go again! :D x

  7. Sounds like you had a great time. I haven't been to the circus in years.


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