Car Broke Down • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #22

Today has been a catch up day on everything, housework, emails and putting the rest of the camping gear away. This morning was mainly washing which was quite important and all 3 pairs of my jeans were in the wash. I also had a couple of forms to fill out which was the most boring part.

Lilly on the other hand has been playing camping with her barbie and her baby dolls too, I think that she really enjoyed herself this weekend.

After lunch we headed off to Nanny's to sort out the quad bikes and I wanted to hoover Mater out as she was full of grass, glitter and general dust from the weekend. The only issue when I was hoovering I noticed some rust that has formed on the wheel arch which has gone through :(.

Whilst I was doing this Nanny watched Lil's as she played with her sand and then decided to help Great Grandad with his gardening. Both Lil's Grandparents and Great Grandparents own caravans on a plot of land which they share so Lilly gets to spend a lot of time with them all.

On the way home, just a minute away from Nanny's the cars clutch cable gave out and we had to limp it back to Nanny's. Luckily Lil's Great Grandparents also have a bungalow just down the road from us and they were on there way back there so we got a lift back. 

I am hoping my other half can fix it tomorrow, luckily the cable itself only costs about £15 and Liam is pretty good with cars and said he should be able to repair it.

Bloody cars eh?



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