Libaries and puddle jumping • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #9

Today has been very wet and cold, more like an autumn day than the summer days we shoukd be having.

Anyway we embraced the weather and still ventured out with coats and wellies in toe. The first place we went to was the libary, we had to take some of her old books back and Lil's picked some more books to take home. She picked three new books which she couldn't wait to read.

The next place was town to see my parents and to pick up a book myself. I pre ordered Harry Potter and the Cursed Child a few months back and finally got my hands on my copy today which made me pretty excited, like bringing my chdhood back. I actuly did the midnight book launch for the last two Harry Potter books. 

We then went to have some lunch and a quick catch up. Mum had got Lil's a couple of the suprise eggs, one shopkins and the other a frozen one. 

We had a few more errands to do in town but before we could get going back home Lil's found a few puddles to jump up and down in. You can never fail with a puddle even if they are in the 'hieght of summer'. Luckily she didn't get too wet in the puddles but made a few people smile.

We had a final drink together and a final chit chat before heading back to the car. When we got home we dried ourselves off and I started sorting a few bits out, a quick tidy up and a cuddle with Lil's.

I am so glad that we did get out of the house today but I hope the weather gets better tomorrow for the second Play days in the park.



  1. Aww, I used to love going to the library with my mum to pick new books when I was a child :)

  2. I've never read Harry Potter or even seen the films. I think I must be missing out!

  3. I used to love the library when I was young, I was always in there browsing the books and using the computers.

  4. Puddle jumping is always fun no matter what your age is x

  5. Our weather is so mixed - more autumnal than summer. I love Harry Potter and must get this book. Kaz x

  6. I loved going to the library when I was younger and picking out new books to read! Now it is filled with horrible exam and studying nightmares!

  7. I love jumping in puddles when at 22 years old! X

  8. The weather is so changeable at the moment, I can't believe it's August! Puddle jumping is still so much fun though, even at my age :) ! x

  9. Ah the library is such a good place to go when you're looking for something to do. Could get lost in there for hours! x


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