Getting Lil's a quad bike? • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #14

Today marks the end of the second week of the holidays already, I seriously can't believe this. We have been over nanny's this afternoon talkong about a trip out to our local country fair where they'll be staying. 

They recently got a quad bike and also are looking after Lil's cousins quad too. We have been offered a little quad bike for Lilly which used to be her counsins when he was young, it needs a bit of TLC which my other half would be willing to sort out.

We wanted to see if she would be comfortable on a quad bike so we firstly put Lilly onto her cousins one. She pretended to drive it, making noises and smiling her head off, this one needs a battery so isn't working at the moment. 

Afterwards Daddy put Lil's on Nanny's quad which works, they both drove around the garden a few times which Lilly absoloutly loved. She was laughing her head off the whole time so we are pretty sure she'll be fine on her own one.

The one that we have been offered can be restricted which will be perfect for Lilly to learn on and get the hang of being making it a little faster. I am super excited for her and can't wait to see how she gets on with it.



  1. Woweee! That Quad bike looks massive! Good luck with the riding little one X be safe x

  2. AWESOME!!! I was never allowed near anything like that! So cool!!!

  3. Oh my goodness it looks really huge but I bet its exciting to learn how to ride one

    1. That one isn't hers its her cousins, she has a much smaller one x

  4. I am sure she is going to love this awesome bike. It looks fun to ride.

  5. Oh gosh how exciting! I'd be so chuffed to have had a quad at her age, lucky little lady! Enjoy :)

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  6. Quad bikes are so fun! She's going to enjoy that so much! ^_^

  7. Oh how exciting - she will have loads of fun with this. The holidays are going too fast aren't they? x

  8. Woah the quad bike looks epic, she is going to have so much fun!

  9. Wow! What an amazing quad bike, it looks like so much fun!


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