Birthday party and hair cut • Summer Holiday Project 2016

I am finally back im the swing of things and getting back to my project.

Today Lilly had a birthday party to go to of one of her nursery friends. I dropped her off and went on my way, which was so strange to do. As some of ypu may know I have never really had any timw without lilly unless I have had appointments or she is at nursery so it was probably nice for her too.

While she was at the party I went to get a well needed haircut, it has been well over a year and my hair was so damaged, luckily I went straight in and was im the chair within 10 minutes, not a drastic change at all but healthier. It was nice to relax whilst Lil's was busy and am so happy I got it done then.

I picked her up when it was time to find my little girl had her face painted as a princess and she had a bag of sweeties and a Hello Kitty cupcake too. Apparently they played pass the parcel, music statues and had a good old feast by the sounds of it.

We have both had a lovely day, she hasn't stopped talking about it since she got home, which it the sweetest thing.



  1. Hey, that seems so lovely. I am totally in love with all of these details. I also would be hosting a chic bash for my cousin’s birthday and would like to use the stunning theme so that she feels special. Thinking to book a beautiful outdoor venue NYC for this party. If you have any decent suggestions to make this bash special, please let me know.


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