Lilly Pops, You're Four

My Lilly,

I have found this so hard to write and I don't quite know why. It has been four years since you entered our world in such a dramatic way and I can't quite believe it.

I remember sitting there for the first 13 minutes of your life scared to the bottom of my heart, you had decided to come not breathing and needed help for a few minutes. Luckily you were fine and your Daddy got the first big cuddle.

You have made our lives so hectic and crazy but I wouldn't change it for the world, because that hectic life is full of playing and learning. Our little family, in my eyes is perfect.

I hope that you have had a truely wonderful day and that you know how much we love you. You make me smile sk many times in a day and I instantly feel better.

You're turning four today? It certainly doesn't seem possible that it has been so long since you were born, it goes so quickly. Every day you seem to change in some little way which only adds to your amazing personality.

A very Happy 4th Birthday to our princess.


  1. Happy birthday. Before you know it she will be starting high school x

  2. Ahh lovely, such a magical age. Happy birthday x

  3. Time flies so quickly doesn't it! Happy birthday little one x

  4. Happy birthday! x Time goes by so quickly, doesn't it?

  5. What a lovely post. I can't imagine how scary that must have been when she was born though!
    Little ones sure do grow up fast! Too fast!
    Hope she had a lovely birthday xx

  6. Happy 4th birthday to your little girl and what a beautifully written celebration of her life so far!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN x

  7. Aw happy birthday to Lily. I hope she has a lovely birthday xxx


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