Mummy + Me • September 2016

September has been an emotional month for me, my littrle 'baby' girl turned 4! That is so crazy, I am a Mum to a 4 year old!

We have had a very busy month all in all, I also celebrated my 25th birthday and Lilly went back to nursery too.

Again I didn't get many pictures of us together but this one makes me very happy. It was taken on her birthday on the Safari truck at Port Lympne Animal park. 

We had a lovely family day out with just me, Lil's and Liam which is very rare. The weather was lovely but sadly some of the animals were hidden because of that fact. We did get to some some beautiful animals though and had a full day out. She was also spoilt rotton witb all her new toys and clothes that she recieved, a very lucky little girl.

September has been a lovely month that I am actually quite sad that it's coming to an end

Nicola... Life Through My Eyes


  1. Happy belated birthday! Your day out sounds really nice and I love the picture of the 2 of you!

  2. Happy late birthday!! That it such a lovely photo of the two of you x

  3. Aww what a lovely photo! Happy belated birthday xxx

  4. They grow up so quickly, don't they? My third 'baby' is turning 4 at the end of the month. I still can't believe it, although I can't remember life without her either. x

  5. Beautiful photo. Good to know you had a good day out.

  6. Happy belated birthday! I haven't been to Port Lympe for years, it's lovely though. - I bet you had a great day x

  7. Happy belated birthday to you both. Your daughter is so adorable! Hope you had a fun day!

  8. Happy belated birthday. Hope you had a really great time.

  9. Wow she looks like you! My little boy is about to turn 4 as well and I can't quite believe it! I still think I am too young haha

  10. Happy birthday! Your daughter looks very pleased to be 4 :)

  11. What a lovely birthday picture to remember September by. Thanks for linking up with #mummyandme x


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