A trip to Jempsons • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #15

We had an afternoon out with my Mum and Dad at Jempsons. This is a really cute little supermarket which is a little bit of a drive away but well worth the drive.

My Mum and Dad got me some shopping while we were there. One of the best things about Jempsons is that they have mini trolleys for the little ones. Lil's absolutely loves using these even though she does get a little crazy.

We had some lunch in the cafe there too which was nice, Lil's had a giant toasted teacake and I had a jacket potato with cheese. We had a nice catch up woth my parents and sorted out so plans for tomorrow as have to take my Dad somewhere.

After we had conpleted the shopping Lilly had a go on both the rides in the doorway, they were £1 for 3 turns on each. It was just a nice way to end the trip.

The only issue I had getting there was that I had to follow my Dad out as I had no clue how to get there myself haha.



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