Lego friends and birthday ideas • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #29

We have had a poorly Daddy today so Lil's has been finding every way to cheer him up those afternoon.

Going back to this morning though, I decided that instead of hiding away in the front room trying not to wake Daddy we would take a well needed trip to our local town, I had a couple of chores to do and it would kill a bit of time.

Firstly I tried to get some paperwork sorted but sadly couldn't, so a little bit of a wasted wait there but the rest if the time was well used. I picked up a glass milk bottle from poundstretcher for a stocking filled (I know its early) and also managed to get one of Lil's birthday presents without her seeing what it was.

When we got home Daddy had just got out of bed and looks a little healthier so we all had some lunch and have had a really chilled afternoon.

He asked if I could run down the road for something and I got loads of other little jobs done at the same time, like a pharmacy run and a charity shop run. 

When we got back Lil's asked if she could play with her Lego Friends, we said yes and got it out for her. Lilly ended up sittinf in the front room playing with it for a good hour and a half only asking for help if she needed it.

Once she was done with the Lego she asked to do some drawing, she put her Lego away and I got her pends and paper out. Her drawings are amazing, proper people with body's, arms and legs and even a sunshine in the sky, we couldn't be more proud of her.



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