Magic painting and mini hairdressers • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #27

We haven't ventured far from home today, only to the village for some shopping, but we have had a nice day in and I seem to have got a lot done.

We  had to take an early trip to the village as our electricity ran out :( but we got a few other bits whilst down there to cover us for the rest of the day and Lil's got a 'Magic' spoon in her cereal so she was well chuffed.

After we got back I started on the housework with the washing up, putting a wash on and folding, Lil's always puts her owm clothes away which is a huge help and earns her a sticker towards a prize.

After lunch I started to edit my weekly vlog and Lil's came and joined me. We ended up dpingso magic painting with water, she got this with her peppa pig magazine the other day and at first could not understand why I said no to getting th paint out, she soon got the idea of just using water.

Whilst letting thay dry we did some colouring and practised writing her name, she gets a little confused sometimes and tries to write it in a different order.

Lil's then went to play on her room for a bit. She has been throwing a few tantrums lately and also crying when I say NO which is so unlike her so we have had a couple of time outs leading up to dinner.

After dinner she wanted to get into her PJ's and then proceeded in tidying her room, which was unexpected. Once all tidy she decided that she wanted to play hairdressers with me and Daddy, this is one of her favourite things to dk before bed.

Lil's usually finds a toy that she pretends is detangling spray and then brushes our hair for a little bit. 

I got my phone out to get a natural looking oic but she noticed I was aiming the camera at them both and proceeded in posing for me and telling Daddy to smile, so is defiantly a cheeky one.



  1. She sounds like a little star helping put the washing away. My son loves playing hairdressers too, he isn't very gentle though, he tears our hair out. Claire @ Sandbmama2015

  2. Putting clothes away and tidying! I think I need Lil's help myself!

  3. I wish my boyfriend did the same amount of housework as your little girl! She sounds ever so helpful.

  4. Lil seems like an absolute wee gem, you must be a brilliant mum! xx

  5. She sounds like such a cute li'l thing, helping you tidy up. That's adorable :-)

  6. Awww how sweet. She sounds so adorable. Bless her.

  7. Sounds like a fun day and a good thing she was happy to just use water, no paint mess to clean up x

  8. Aww bless her, she sounds like such a sweetie x


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