A Trip to Fairlight Country Park

It is coming to the end of the Easter school break so want to make the most of the last few days with her, especially now I have a car to take her places. 

Yesterday I decided to take Lil's on a trip to Fairlight Country Park which isn't to far from us luckily. 

The Country park is a beautiful place which so many little trails that we can take. The first trail we took goes straight past the Fairlight coastguard station with the radar. The trail then goes off towards the cliffs, the view from up there is just beautiful. On a good clear day you can actually see over to Dieppe, France.

We then took the long walk back up the hill to the carpark where we took the second trail up. This trail took us though to the old quarry, this looks like something out of a movie as it is so surreal. The trail took us down some man made and some natural steps down in the the main part, once down the steps we were surrounded by the rocks from the quarry. 

We then headed back as Lilly needed the toilet. We got back to the car took Lil's wellies off and then headed home.

We had a wonderful afternoon, it was nice to get some fresh air in the sun.



  1. Looks like a lovely place i love going for walks with Blake.

  2. Looks like a lovely day out, it's always nice to get some fresh air.

    1. I have always loved Fairlight and have lovely memories of walk with my Dad, sadly he can't walk far these days x

  3. Those views are beautiful!! We've just enjoyed getting outdoors for a good four days down in Cornwall. It's just lovely being somewhere different. X

  4. Sounds like a wonderful place to take a walk. The views look amazing!

    1. You can also see am our power plant from uo there and at night its beautiful with all the lights in view x

  5. The little smile, chuffed with life. Looks like a great day out :)

    1. One of my favourite pics of her, its lovely to make her happy x

  6. Wow! It looks like such a lovely place to go walking :) xx

  7. Aww what lovely photos! Sounds like a great walk along the coast, nothing better than spending an afternoon wearing the little one out!
    Hope you've had a lovely Easter break.

    - Cydney x

    1. Sadly it didnt really tire her out lol but we both enjoyed the time together x

  8. How beautiful. We have finally got our car back from the garage and are busy filling our days.

    1. I have always had to rely on buses so it is lovely to have a car x


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