Simple Chocolate cake • Recipe and Method

Recently we made a really simple chocolate cake and wanted to share the recipe with you. This recipe has such a small amount of ingredients and is so easy to make but tastes amazing too.


- 50g Dark Chocolate
- 50g Butter
- 30g Plain Flour
- 1tsp Cocoa Powder
- 60g Caster Sugar
1 egg


1. Preheat your oven to 180°c/ gas mark 5
2. Break chocolate into a glass bowl with butter and place over a boiling saucepan of water to melt.
3. Stir well, remove from heat and leave to cool. 
4. Break your egg into a bowl with the sugar and whisk until light and creamy.
5. Slowly add the chocolate to the egg mix and stir well.
6. Sieve in the flour and cocoa and fold in.
7. Put the mixture into a greased shallow cake tin and bake for 25 minutes.

This is so easy and a great recipe for a quick and tasty cake, especially to make with your children.



  1. Ohh your chocolate cake looks delicious! I'm so glad you've shared the recipe as we're planning on baking some cakes for Halloween and this would be perfect :) I have the ingredients already and it's simple enough to make, hehe. xx

  2. Ohh I totally need to try and bake this myself! I'm not great at cooking or baking so simple is good! x

  3. Got to love a good classic chocolate cake, definitely making me want cake now! x

  4. This looks delicious and so easy that I reckon even I could make it! Kaz x

  5. OOOOOHHHH what a perfectly simple and simply perfect little cake - great for doing quickly and decorating at leisure. Loveit!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN x

  6. Mmm yummy. Chocolate & cake = heaven!
    I do love a good chocolate cake, and yours sounds easy to make, yet yummy! So easy, maybe even I could do it!

  7. I'm quite terrible at baking so easy recipes like this are a godsend for me! I love how quick this is to do, and it looks like it comes out great.... I'm going to give it a go :) x

  8. I love a simple chocolate cake. So easy to make and always so delicious!


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