Giving Blood | My Experience

A few weeks ago I plucked up the courage and went and gave blood for the first time in about 5 years. I was ridiculously nervous as I am not good with needles but wanted to do this to help others.

I booked a time slot online that suited around me, I then recieved a couple of reminder texts and a text on the actual day reminding me to drink plenty. I arrived a little bit early and had another glass of water whilst waiting.

I was called over to go over my medical form and check my blood before hand and was then told to wait in a different area to be called over. When calles over I told the bloke that I was nervous but he calmed me by talking to me and telling me about some exercises that I could do to keep my blood pressure up.

I was tipped back in the special check and told to relax, he put the needle in and secured it which wasn't half as bad as my mind had thought, he then left me too it. The donation itself took just 10 minutes and was pretty painless.

After the 'mario music' started he came over to sort the donation and remove the needle and slowly raise the chair upright again. He then covered the area and asked me to go have have a drink and something to eat which I did. I also booked my next appointment whilst there so I didn't have to worry about that.

After about 10 minutes, a lemon and some snacks I said good bye and went to meet my parents for a drink and a chat. 

The whole experience was effortless and easy to do! I didn't even have a bruise the next day and no pain either. 

I received a text after a few days thanking me for my donation and telling me about recieving my blood type soon. A week later I recieved a keyring with my blood type on it which is proudly on my keys.

The best part of the experiece was that I recieved a text saying that my donation has been issued to Kingston Hospital which made me incredibly proud and almost brought me to tears.

If you can please spare 30 minutes and a pint of blood every 4 months to save or help a life.



  1. brilliant, well done you! I use to give blood regularly but since moving areas, I have just got out of the habit. Will get back on it ASAP!

  2. I've never given blood before but it is so good of you to have done so, it will save lives. And it sounds like it wasn't that bad the actual process. You may just have inspired me to donate! xx

  3. Great, a well done for me! To my shame, I can say I've never donated blood. I really should do as it's a great thing to do.

  4. Oh well done! I've always wanted to give blood but it's one of those things I have never got round to actually doing. Good for you Hun xx

  5. Good for you lovely! I keep meaning to do it — my husband gives bloody regularly since we found out he has an extremely rare blood group! He's truly one in a million!! ;)

  6. Well done for being brave! :) I gave blood for the first time a few months ago but haven't been able to since as I had a new tattoo and then had to have some vaccinations for work. As soon as I'm allowed again I'll be back, though, it's such an important thing to do if you're able to.

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  7. It's so important to give blood. That's what saves so many lives. But people forget that the blood has to be replenished. It will only stay in storage for so long and it's used up quite frequently.

  8. I keep meaning to give blood, but something always gets in the way - I will look into making an appointment sometime soon! :)

  9. I am so proud of you! Such an amazing thing to do!
    I would love to give blood, something I always wanted to do but couldnt because I have had blood transfusions.

    Let me tell you, when you are sick and you recieve donated blood its an amazng feeling. After a couple of hours you feel so much more energised and healthy. Very strange feeling though, it going into your veins, its so cold!

    Well done! xx

  10. I've tried to give blood about 8 times but my iron levels are always a little on the low side. Good on you for doing it x

  11. Well done! I haven't been able to give blood due to piercings and tattoos and now being pregnant, but hopefully I can soon.

  12. I have regular blood tests as a diabetic and each one leaves me battered and bruised due to awkward veins, so I really applaud you doing this.

  13. I'm not allowed to give blood but I've received some recently and I'm so grateful to kind donors!

  14. Well done, that's such an amazing thing to do! I've never given blood but I will definitely consider it x

  15. Wow well done you! I would absolutely love to give blood but they can barely get enough out of me at midwife appointments due to low blood pressure, so I don't think I'd be a very good candidate!x

  16. I have never given blood - it's something I've always wanted to do but for medical reasons or other I haven't been allowed!

  17. I am not quite sure if I can give blood. I was born in Germany and only live in Ireland for 10 years now. I read some complications about it. But I would if I could.


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