A lazy day • Summer holiday project 2016 #4

Today was quite a lazy boring day with a lot of housework and some shopping to do as well. Lilly enjoted doing another magazine with me and played with her playdoh too.

The day started with the house work, the most boring part with foldong clothes, washing up, making beds and general sorting out. Whilst I was doing this Lil's was making a huge mess in her room 'playing'

After we got a magazine out and worked through some of the workbook. Lilly seems to really be enjoying doing these and luckily we have a dair few more to go through.

We met my Mum and Dad up Tesco and did a bit of shopping, we also had a chimwag over a drink the the cafe with a cheeky cake too.

This evening has just been the usual bath and bedtime but I wish I was in bed too haha. 

How are you holidays so far?



  1. It sounds like a productive day in the school holidays. I'm having a week off and my daughter is away. Im missing her heaps.

  2. Gotta love a bit of cheeky cake, sounds like a pretty productive day to me! x

  3. Cake dates are the best. I had one myself this week too :)

  4. Sometimes a lazy day is all we really need. What a lucky mommy to enjoy the day with such a cute lil girl!

  5. I imagined I would be spending more time having fun, but the housework has taken over! We did manage to escape to the cinema today though, it was nice to finally get a break! :)

  6. Lazy days are the best and always well needed :) My days also start with boring housework and folding clothes. Still it gets it out of the way :) xx

  7. Sometimes the simplest nothing days are the nicest...and who doesn't love a cheeky bit of cake?

    Thanks for sharing!

    Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN x

  8. Sounds like a good day. I've definitely noticed our town centre far busier now it's school holidays x

  9. Mine are into playdoh too but they make such as mess with it.


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