Play day in the park • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #3

Today was the first of two play days in the park, this is an event that is set up by the council which is completely free. There is so much to do there and kept us occupied for about 2 hours before Lil's got hungry.

The first place we went to wash the mud and sand kitchen, only of Lilly's favourite things to do. She made sand tea and soup too.

One part which was right in the centre was wood work, we ended up making a littlw robot, she helped me hammer the first nail in and then told me where she wanted things. I think her idea for a robot was perfect.

In another area of the park was the sports section with mini golf, football, a pirate assult course and a bouncy bungee thing. Lil's wasn't that interested in this today but hopefully next week.

We ended uo doing a treasure hunt where you had to find 10 pictures and take the number from the picture and match them on the list. We got a prize for this, Lil's chose a fairy wand. 

After the treasure hunt we went dinosaur hunting in a little area with lots of tubs. These were full of either mud, sawdust and woodchips. Mixed into the wood chips there were a few animals and lits of dinosaurs with branches and leaves too. Lilly loved hiding them and digging them back up with another little one.

We then went a played babies for a while but got Lilly to escape the babies and go and explore more. We found anlittle tent where we could decoeate a football frisbie with so cool foam stickers. Lilly picked lots of seaside themed stickers which was super cute.

The last activity we did was bamboo marble run, Lil's cpuld have stood there all day rolling marbles down the trunks but then the heavens opened which they had done on/off all day. Lilly also got a bit hungry so we decided to call it a day and get some lunch.

Lilly did a lot of colouring for Daddy when we got home before taking a nap on me after a boo boo happened. 

She is still currently in her room talking to her teddies which is not amazing but the nap probably didn't help.



  1. Aw this is such a lovely idea, I love that there fab and fun things to do during the summer holidays. I love the name Lilly also x

  2. It looks like you guys are having a great time. What a good idea. Happy Summer Holiday! R

  3. Aw her robot is super cute! Sounds like a fun day for your both :)

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  4. That's so good that this was put on in the park, I don't think they do anything like that in our local park x

  5. Lovely post! I wish parks around my area had activities like this for kids.

    Ashleigh x - UK fashion, lifestyle and travel blog

  6. Aw looks like a lovely day, seems like you had lots of fun!

  7. What a great number of activities and so good that it was all for free. Looks like Lilly had a lot of fun!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN HQ x

  8. We wanted to spend some time in the park today but the weather was awful.

  9. Wow it looks like there was plenty to do and how fabulous that it was free!


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