Icecreams and Pizza • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #1

Day 1 is officially over and we have had a lovely but busy day.

Lil's woke at 6am and has been awake ever since, we watched a bit of telly and had breakfast before playtime in her room and she got herself dressed too. 

We met Grandma and Grandad (my Mum and Dad) in town today and I also had to take some paperwork down to be sorted too. After sitting for almost an hour in the office we went for some lunch with Mum and Dad at a lovely fish and chip restaurant. Lil's shared a double fishcake and chips with my Mum and I had spring roll and chips with a gherkin too.

After lunch we took a strool along the seafront with Lilly holding onto my Mum's mobility scooter. It was a lovely day and so we decided to have an icecream, Lil's had a smarties lolly and I had a millionaire shortcake icecream which was a little bit of a let down.

Once home we made some homemade pizza dough and then Lil's helped me with the washing before decorating our pizza. Lilly's half had peppers, sweetcorn and pineapple, my half just had peppers on.

Sadly she spilt her drink on a slice on my half but I did get to enjoy the rest of it. 

To finish our first day Lil's had a green bath which was created by a bathbomb that I had. She loved making potions and being Lilly witch.



  1. Aww this sounds like such a lovely day. Its been wet and miserable here lol x

  2. What a lovely and enjoyable day you have had.

  3. Aw this sounds like a lovely chilled day, the green bath sounds like fun!

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  4. Sounds like a day well spent, not tried making my own pizza before but want to this summer

  5. Such a shame that the millionaires shortbread was disappointing. I haven't made my own pizza in ages x

  6. Sounds a great day - despite the disappointing millionaires shortbread! (one of my favourites!) Kaz x

  7. Sounds like such a lovely day! Love a pizza

  8. What a lovely day, it's those ordinary but quality moments that mean so much.

  9. What a lovely day but shame about the drink being spilled on your pizza slice. Still it was nice to spend time with family x

  10. Awww sounds like you guys had a wonderful day! Home made pizza is the best. I may have to do this with the kids next week - Make Pizza. Yum! xx


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