Armed Forces Day • 2016

A couple of Sunday's ago just we attended our local Armed Forces Day. This is held in our local park and has lots of different things happening.

We arrived about 11 which was sadly after the parade had happened, each year the event starts with a parade of cadets, girl guiding associations, veterans and members from each of the forces, this year there were also so Gurkha's who I sadly missed as they had to go back to base.

The first thing Lilly saw was the bouncy castles, they were only little ones but perfect for the event, they only charged £2 for as long as they wanted which I thought was really good. Lil's had a good 15 minutes on these while I spoke to my parents and decided where we would go next.

The next thing we went to was to get Lil's face painted, she had been going on about this since I had mentioned that there was going to be face painting there, she asked for a butterfly which she got done, they then offered to do mine too, I had a glitter design done.

We had a look around all the stalls and Lil's had an ice cream while we watched some of the displays. This included our Section 5 drummers (our local drum group), some twirlers, the local military college and some Lindy hop dancing too.

During the military college display they asked for people to go up and do 22 push ups for awareness of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and of course I went up and took part, I only did them on my knees but I did it and my arms killed after.

We then continued around the rest of the stalls and Lilly spent her pocket money on a toy camera (wonder where she got that idea from) and then we reached the old fashion ride, her favourite type too, the chairoplanes. So obviously she asked for a ride and my Mum gave her the money to do so.

We then watched another display and while I spoke to Mum a little boy came over and started playing and talking to Lilly, he was such a polite boy and they sat for ages just talking about stuff. 

We had a wonderful couple of hours down there and really enjoyed what was on offer.



  1. Looks like you guys had so much fun! I love the face paintings x

  2. It sounds like a good local event and a lot to do to keep the little ones occupied - Face paintings look great! R

  3. Such a great local event, things like this are great to get the family out and about x

  4. What a lovely family day out. The face painting looked fun too. You were a good sport to get it done as well!

  5. Sounds like a great family day out, I used to love going to these type of things when the kids were younger x

  6. Love the fact the kids had fun and seem really happy playing in the bouncy castle!

  7. Sounds like the perfect day & all for a great cause!
    Charlotte from

  8. Her smiles clearly say that she loved and enjoyed it. Don't missed the parade next time. :)

  9. Oh we had something similar local in Kildare, Ireland too. I love these army days. Fab days out for all the family. Shame you missed the parade, thats one of my favourite parts 😊

  10. Sounds like a great day out for a super cause. Great face painting too.

  11. Sounds like a good day, a great event to support!

  12. What a lovely thing to do. A great event to support. Would love one around by me. Looks like you had a fab time x

  13. Great face painting! Looks like a great day out

  14. Aw I love the face painting, so pretty and £2 for unlimited time on a bouncy castle is such a bargain!
    We love these sorts of summer days out, it looks like you had a blast X X

  15. We went to a similar day in Cardiff last summer - so important to support our armed forces. Looks like you all had a good day. I love the face paints x

  16. This sounds like a great day & obviously a great cause, our Armed Forces are incredible x


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