My Summer Holiday Project

I have been very quiet on my blog for a few weeks due to family issues, now they are a little more under contol I want to get back into blogging and the best way I could think of doing this was to blog our summer holiday.

Lilly's last day of Nursery was yesterday which ended in a picnic so now we are officially on summer holidays.

I want to write a diary of what we get up to so I am going to be trying to do a blog our crafts, adventures and day to day experiences. I would like to try and do this every day from Monday so I can look back on it and remeber making memories.

I hope you enjoy this and that it gets my blogging mojo back :)



  1. This is a fab idea, can't wait to see what you get up to!

  2. What a great idea. It is lovely to look back on holidays and I hope it helps you to get back in to blogging again, it can be really difficult at times x

  3. Good you are getting your blogging mojo back. We all lose it every now and again. Have a lovely week x

  4. Pleased to hear that things are under control and that you are trying to get back to blogging. Look forward to reading the craft posts - I am always looking for new things to do/make at home.

  5. So grown up to be finishing nurse! It's good that you've got things under control at home x

  6. Welcome back and I am glad things are looking up for you x

  7. Good luck with getting your mojo back, take it one day at a time at least that's how I have been doing it.

  8. It's a lovely idea to keep a diary of all the lovely things you do in the summer.


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