Our Sunflower Opened • Summer Holiday Project 2016 #2

Today we have spent the day indoors enjoying each others company before having a little adventure tomorrow down the park. 

Today we had a little surprise pocking up in our window, our sunflower had opened which was pretty exciting for me and Lil's as this is the second year we hace attempted to grow sunflowers Indoors. 

We almost lost this one about a week ago as Lil's knocked it over and bent the stem but I put a plaster on and it seems to have worked a treat.

We had a lovy chill morning with Lil's playing babies in her room whilst I did a bit of housework. We then ad lunch and not even an hour after Lilly climbed onto Daddy's lap and fell asleep. She had a good 45 minute nap.

When she woke we played on the pad together using the playtime app which the alphablocks learning letters and spelling.

She got a bit bored after a while of that so we got one of her magazines out and worked thrugh the workbook together which included colouring, stickers, spelling, counting and stories too. These follow with the curriculum which is brilliant as she is learning through play.

We have a pile of these to get through and It's really nice to watch her enjoy and progress with these.

We have a fun day planned tomorrow (weather permitting) so keep an eye out for that :)



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