MSC Splendida look back | 8/1/12 | Tapas in Barcelona

Out next stop was Barcelona, I absoloutly loved this place. We had to get a coach from the port to the shopping area which took us near a cute little market which sold so any nick nacks.

There was a few street statues/characters around like the the Roman (pic below) and a man dressed as the mad hatter too. 

There was also a lot of little kiosks about where you got buy souvenirs and chocolate too.

There was some random things like little men on the water in a very strange pose (pic below) and two escelators in the shoppong centre were turned off to create a nativity scene from the top to the bottom.

We had lunch at a beautiful tapas bar right on the edge of the port area so we could watch the boats go past. The food was lovely and I actually ordered in Spanish too,my GCSE paid off for once.

My other half is quite fussy with his food so we found a MacDonalds for him, the only issue we had was trying to tell them 'No Salad' so that they could understand.

The architecture in Barcelona is beautiful, the statues, the old building and the modern on blending together well. The buildings themselves with character or motifs carved or added to them made you feel like you had travelled back in time.

I absolutely loved Barcelona and the food and would love to take another trip there one day to explore more of the city itself as we didn't have a lot of time.



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