MSC Splendida look back | 10/1/12 | Mums birthday from Malta

The 10th of January, my Mum's birthday. I had felt kind of bad not being home for it but she was happy that I was getting such an amazing opportunity.

We arrived in Malta today to a beautiful view so we decided to sit in the buffet area to watch us pull into port and enjoy our breakfast. Every door was a different colour ans most actually turned out to be little shops selling nic nacs.

When we got off the ship we have a little walk to get to the buses for a tojr of the island. Whilst waitong we saw an old style bus which is actually quite common in Malta. The whole island is like stepping back in time.

Our bus driver was crazy, he was going so fast at points and we got so cold sitting on top of a tour bus but had a beautiful view. We got off in a few places.

One of these places is famous for coloured glass, we only looked in the shop there but me and Liam picked up a beautiful little candle holder which whas purple, red and white and in the shape of a heart.

When then stopped of a the village of Mdina, this place was incredibly beautiful, it was like stepping into the game of Assassins creed with all the buildings and towers around.

I actually called my mum from here to wish her a Happy Birthday which she really appreciated. 

The view from the end of Mdina was incredible and we could see for miles. So we had to have a cheeky pose in front of the view. Shame the picture is a little blurry but it certainly was amazing, but very windy too.

We then stopped of at a beautiful old church which we looked around but we then missed the tour bus back to the boat so ended up getting a normal bus back to the post. It was super cheap at just €3.30 for a day rider style ticket. 

Malta was absoloutly beautiful place which I would love to visit again.



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