5 Things I want to achieve this year | 2016

A little bit late but wanted to share the 5 main things that I want to ahieve in 2016

Pass my driving test

This is my main goal for the year, my driving test. This is super important to me for being able to explore more and not be stuck on the same track, have some independence. I also can wait to take lilly to nursery and pick her up from nursery not having to worry about buses. I am super excited for this and can't wait to get on the road.

Visit the Harry Potter studios

Another big thing for me which I have been waiting to do for years now. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and have been for many years. I feel like this is the year I may be able to achieve this and save some money for he tickets. 

Be Happier

I notice myself that I am still a very inward person and like to hold my emotions im a much as possible which makes me quite a miserable person to be around when I am in that weird place. I really want to be able to be happier and smile more.

Lose weight

I need to lose a bit of weight as last year I munched a little to much and feel uncomfortable with the way I look now. I just want to get a flatter belly and a healthier look, I want to be able to watch what I eat and exercise more.


Clutter stresses me out, I really want to make our home as perfrct as is possible for our family. I have already started to de-clutter but have a lot more to get rid of. I also need to get my other half to sort out his clothes as he has so many he never wears which constantly fall out of the wardrobe.

What are your plans for 2016? I hope the first 2 weeks have been good to you. 



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