Lilly loves shopkins

We have a new family joining our house in the way of Shopkins. Lilly's been watching videos of people unboxing these things for a few months now along with surprise eggs and advent calenders.

We asked her to look for a magazine she just kept going to the shopkins one which came with one, she now has 10 of them and loves to introduce them to each other when she gets new ones.

Tonight we have played by doing rple play with them and getting them to talk to each other and hug each other. 

We have a small box to keep them safe on with the list to tick off when you get them.

It's super cute that she has this little obsession (her first of many) and it's so nice to see her interact with them and learn there names too.

Lets see how long it lasts lol



  1. Awr I love when they become obsessed with things! Aria is only 11 months so we don't have any things like this yet.


  2. Oh man my 7 year old is Shopkins obsessed! She loves the magazines, the youtube videos. She has about 12 of them now. I mentioned on my blog that she liked them and lots of friends too this as Christmas present inspiration!

    1. My little one constantly watches the videos, but its great when I want to get her hair done lol x

  3. We have over 100 Shopkins. Sylvia has been collecting them and weve been amateur making youtube videos and I wrote a blog post on it. Welcome to the world of shopkins! Angela from Daysinbed

  4. Ahh, so many people are collecting these. My little boy is collecting Tsum Tsums which he loves.

  5. I've seen a lot of people collecting these, my daughter is too old I think or at least that's what she says!

  6. Pickle adores Shopkins, they are just so flippin' small! He loves tiny things - then loses them. They are cute though! Kaz x

  7. I have heard so much at Shopkins but never took the time to actually find out what they were. I know a lot of my daughters friends are collecting them, but my daughter isn't into them. They do look cute.x


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