MSC Splendida look back | 9/1/12 | Pregnant and Formal evening

The 9th of January 2012 was a very surreal day for me.

We woke late this day as we had a day at sea, I knew that I was 2 days late and had brought a test with me so that I could check when away. At about 10am I took the test and within one minute it had shown a positive result. I was ridiculously exciting and we were so hapoy after what had happened the previous year.

I had been taking pre natals and been watching what I drank from the off set so it was certainly welcome news and I felt a lot more confident.

We spent the day relaxing and just taking a look around the ship itself while we had then chance. We even put on our dressing gowns and headed to the hot tub at the back of the boat. Just to sit in there and relax whilst out at sea was so refreshing.

After that we went to the main hall to have lunchx which was always a buffet lunch, there was such a wide variety of food and thr main bit that I liked was the quiche they did.

We then went back to searching the ship and found the sports area, the top of the boat and some of the areas which we had not yet discovered.

At about 3 we headed back to our suite to get ready forbthe formal evening. This was so exciting and slightly nerve wracking as we weren't sure weather we would be the only ones dressed (which luckily we wern't)

I had a beautiful purple formal dress from Roman, I was actually brought this at Ashford outlet centre as it was just perfect. I tried to put my hair up in an elegant way which kind of worked, and had some purple high heels with glittery heels from Matalan. I also had a beautiful earing and necklace set which was a christmas present in 2011. 

Our waiters were incredible, we had the same ones each time we used the formal restaurant. They were so helpful and listened to any problem that you had (which wasn't a lot) and were so friendly, as were all the staff on the boat.

Our evening/ whole day was beautiful and we had a lovely secret we could enjoy and share as just us two whilst relaxing in our suite.



  1. That's lovely that you both were in your own little bubble of happiness and no one else knew. Sounds like you had a lovely time.

  2. wow, such a special time. Nice to get all dressed up and fancy insnt it x

  3. Oh my that sounds lovely - we told everyone pretty early but I love that you had your own special time to share the experience xx

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Such a special time when no one else but you know xx

  5. Awww sounds like a wonderful time, congratulations x

  6. What a special time for both of you, a little secret just for you! x


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