MSC Splendida look back | 14/1/12 | Back home & Our ship

Our last day started off quite early where we finished off packing and left our suitcases where they were required then went and waited in the theatre to wait to be sorted for our coaches.

I was quite sad to be leaving the ship but couldn't wait to get home and see my parents and also start planning for our Lil's.

We had an amazing time and I would certainly recommended a cruise if you loke variety. The food was great and the staff were incredibly friendly. 

Our flight bacl was just as exciting as our trip out but on pur return we learnt that the Costa Concordia had sunk off of an island near Civitavecchia. Later we heard that some were lost in this terrible accident.

I want to leave this post which some pictures from pur beautiful boat. 

Thank you MSC.



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