Nursery Haul | Family Friday

In about two weeks my baby girl will be starting nursery so I thought I would share all the bits that I have got for her to start nursery.

Firstly is her uniform including polo shirts, pinafore, skirt, jumper and cardigans with logo's and other little bits. We also picked up so plimsolls for school shies as I could not find shoes in her size.

I have also got her a backpack, lunchbox and beaker. She won't be needing her lunchbox at the moment as she will be doing mornings but it only cost £2. I have also sticked up on snack bits for Lillys backpack for after nursery.

Lastly I have picked up extra calpol and tixylix as I know everything will be thrown at her when she first starts. And I also picked up a nit comb so I am prepared for pretty much any situation.

I still cannot believe I will have a 3 year old nursery child soon. 



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