My week in pictures | 31st Aug - 6th Sept

Another week has passed and I am another year older lol. It was my birthday yesterday and was truely spoilt :) I feel very lucky.

Last Monday me and Lilly played with her duplo and made a really cool island for Jake and Peter from Jake and the Neverland pirates, We then went on to play for a bit finding the treasure and fighting off the crocodile.

After she also made a chicken out if duplo which was amazing.

During the week we went out and had icecream, two scoops of chocolate and a scoop of toffee. Lilly was so small in the chair that she actually sat on the table at the end to reach the bbotto, bless her. We ended up sharing as there was a lot of ice cream there for her to eat. 

As I said at the beginning it was my birthday yesterday and I was spoilt but everyone. Liam didn't know what to get me so he took me shopping for a few bits, I got some lush bathbombs and some clothes from Primark too, and the sprinkle of glitter 2016 diary. We then stopped at my mum and dads and they brought me a new handbag and Zoella beauty make up bag.

I was kind if dreading my birthday this year but I had a wonderful day with my family and such a nice evening too.

Look out for my blog post tomorrow for my birthday evening and my vlog of my day too.



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