Birthday goodies | My Presents

So on Saturday I had a birthday and was completely spoilt. I thought that I would share with you lovely people what I got.

My other half didn't know what to get me at all, I am so difficult to buy for as I hate asking for things and never feel like I need anything lol.

So Liam took me shopping for a few bits, I ended up in primark for some clothes and in Lush Cosmetics for some bath bombs. I picked up Intergalactic, The experimenter and frozen. 

I also brought myself Sprinkle of Glitters diary with some money that I was given, I still have some of that to spend too.

My Mum and Dad got me a handbag which I needed actually as the lining of my other bag was coming out and they also got me a Zoella Beauty make up bag with guinea pigs on the front, I asked for this a while back when out shopping with them.

I have one more present to pick up yet but I have been truely spoilt this year with some really useful gifts.

In no way am I trying to boast, I just wanted to share with you.



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