My week in pictures | 7th - 13th September

A very eventful week for me to share. As you may have read I passed my theory test on Monday. I was so happy yet so surprised. 

After I passed my test I met with Lilly's Nanny and grandad as they looked after her. We then went down the park together. I found this tree quite fascinating the way the trunk twisted and the branches grew out in sections.

Look at this little princess, I seriously cannot believe she turns three tomorrow. She is still not asleep but I think its because she is excited for the next couple of days. I can see me being an emotional wreck lol.

Lastly I wanted to share my birthday present from my mother in law, she knows me way to well. A big bundle of Yankee candle samplers and two cute little jars for them too. I only picked then up yesterday, hence the picture in today's blog.

I hope you enjoy these posts, I am so excited for the coming week but as I said I know I am going to be an emotional wreck.



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