First day of Nursery

This post really wants to make me cry knowing that my little girl is growing up and making her own adventures now.

Yesterday was my little girls first settle in day at nursery and I was so proud how she did. Lilly looked so smart in her uniform and couldn't wait to get going when she was dressed.

We left at 8 to get the bus down because the weather was awful, windy and raining so hopefully Thursday is better so I can do a full school run walking. 

We arrived and I found her peg to put her bag and coat on, then watched her toddle off to play. I said goodbye to her and gave her a cuddle then left her to it.

I felt absolutely lost without when walking back to the bus stop and it felt so strange to step on a bus and being able to choose my own seat.

When I got back, I couldn't settle at all, I kept clock watching. I managed to get all the housework done and sti have an hour to wait.

When I went to pick her us I was so nervous bit she had had a lovely day of splashing in puddles, painting (she had it everywhere, even her face lol). Singing and reading too. She didn't actulally want to come home, she said that she hasn't had lunch yet, which I had to then explain that she wasn't having lunch there.

I seriously had nothing to worry about and I am so happy that she is happy.

Did any of your little ones start school or nursery, how did they get on and how did you feel? 



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