Happy 3rd birthday | Mummy Monday

I cannot believe that my little girl is going to be three years old. I see her grow and change every day but can't believe that three years have passed since I gave birth to her.

Three years today was the most surreal day of my life, starting a new chapter, not only for me and but for me and Liam as a couple. 

She is the best thing that happened to us and I am so thankful that we have a beautiful, clever little girl who knows how to make us smile and feel better with her quirky personality.

I have watched her grow into this little girl who wants to explore and learn in any way she can, she knows how to push our limits and winds us up like no tomorrow but I wouldn't change her for the world.

To Our Lilly,

We wish you a very happy birthday, 
You have made our life so fun and unpredictable, you have an amazing personality and you make me laugh and and smile so much every day,
You have so many amazing adventures coming along and I know that you are going stride through without a care in the world,
We love you to the moon and back
Happy 3rd birthday

Mummy & Daddy



  1. Happy Birthday Lilly! Hope you have a fab day!

  2. Wishing Lilly a very Happy 3rd Birthday, she sounds like a beautiful little girl. I hope you all have an amazing time with each other celebrating her 3 years of making you all a family, much love to you all x

  3. Happy Birthday Lilly, hope you had a lovely day. It is unreal how fast they grow and how quickly the months then years fly by, still can't believe I am a mum to a 4 nearly 5 year old and a 12 week old!

  4. Awww Happy Birthday Lilly - I hope you all have a fantastic day and an amazing year


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