Bug hunting and waterfights • Summer Holifay Project 2016 #6 & #7

I know that I didn't post yestersay so I am going to put both days together. I had a really bad evening and night but have got myself back into a happier mood. So yesterday we went down to Lil's great grandparents for Liam to help fix there camper and a general catch up. Lilly was not on her best behaviour sadly but we did get some time bug hunting. We didn't find a lot as it had not long rained but we persisted and started lifting the plant pots to look. All in all we found lots of woodlouse, an ear wig which I found quite fascinating to look at, a few baby spiders and lots of ants too. Today we went over to Liam's parents caravan where Lil's great grandparents where there too. We played in her sand pit and played with Nanny's dog. Then Lil's dissapeared and I found her helping her great grandad water the plants so left them to it. Next thing there was a lot of giggling and screaming, her grandad (as she calls him) had found ...