Following in from my The importance of a smear test I wanted to share what happened next. I believe this is also as inportant as the first part and the more unknown. I recieved a letter about two weeks after my smear saying that I had borderline cell changes and that I would be booked in for a colposcopy. This was horrible, the worst kept going through my mind, the C word. I then waited a further week for an appointment for the clinic which was 3 weeks wait again, this also made me a little more nervous. Well today I arrived at the clinic full of butterflies. My name was called and I went into the room. At first a nurse went through what she was going to do and asked a few questions, I was then asked to get ready. The colposcopy was a little uncomfortable, just like the smear and was a little longer. She then gave me the news that everything looks clear but would take a biopsy to confirm her investigation, this was the worst bit, it felt l...
I haven't shared one of Lil's outfits for a while and I am completely in love with this look so wanted to share it with you all. We have not long been back from camping, we have had a lovely weekend away in a caravan at a local country show, Rural Past Times. We were away for three days with a mixture of weathers, It really didn't know what to do. on to the outfit itself, Lilly got herself a beautiful pair of dungaree's from my dad, these are from H&M (£17.99) and are in size 4-5, we got a smaller size then normal as they seemed quite large on her. These are also adjustable at the arm straps and the bottoms are turned up too, I love them. She is wearing a peachy coloured top from F&F (5-6), I am unsure on the price as these were a gift from Nanny. I think that the colour complements the pale denim shade of her dungaree's. She then has her glasses from Specsavers and a cute pink bow from Amazon. I really do wish that these were mine as the...
Both my parents have mobility issues and are bithnow in wheelchairs. Since I can remember my Mum has been in a wheelchair due to have a very worn hip joint which she was born with. When I was in year 9 my Dad's back started to hurt and progressivly got worse to the point where he struggled to get out of bed. I am now classed as a carer to my mum which is important for me, my mum is very stubborn and sometime I have to have a little nag to get her to do things. I don't see my parents in any other way than just my parents, if that makes sense. My Mum is an amazing person who makss me proud every day. Due her lack of mobility she also has other health problems which she can control with tablets and lifestyle changes. My Dad is still constantly on the go with his veterans and the local carnival which he does every year using his mobility scooter as his base for his structure. He does feel it after he compeltes things but I think it gives him motivation to...
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