Top 5 Christmas films | 12 Days of Blogmas

Christmas films really do make the Christmas period more festive, we don't start watching till December to make the films more special. And Lilly has started to really get into films this year. I wanted to share my top 5 films with you, this may include a series of films too but I shall get on with it.

1. This has to be The Polar Express, this is such a lovely, feel good, festive film with the songs, Santa and hot chocolate to get you in the mood.

2. The Home Alone series, only 1 and 2 though. I absolutely love these films and always have done, they always make me laugh and at the end feel very warm inside.

3. Arthur Christmas, this is quite a new one, only 6 years old but I think it is going to become a classic, Another feel good film with a modern twist to it.

4. Santa Claus the movie, this is a golden oldie that me and my Mum used to watch together, I will always treasure those memories.

5. The Santa Claus 1,2 and 3, These are so good and make me want Christmas to be here now. I remember when Lilly was a lot younger and we were watching this late one night, Lilly woke full of beans and ran around for about 30 mins, such a cute memory.

I hope that you have the Christmas films out and are having a binge, What are your favourite festive films?

Happy blogmas


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