Christmas Eve Basket | 12 Days of Blogmas


So every year since Lilly was about 2 we have done her a Christmas eve box and this year is no different, we don't put a lot in as we do a lot of practical stuff on Christmas eve together too but these things fill in the gaps.

Lilly's Christmas eve box consists of:

- The Night Before Christmas (Aldi 99p)
- Christmas Activity Book (Aldi 69p)
- The Snowman DVD 
- Her Stocking
- Hot Chocolate Cup With a Candy Cane
- Snowman poo (White marshmallows) 
- Reindeer food (Glitter free) 
- Christmas Teddy
- Reindeer Wobbly Antlers (Sainsburys)
- Small Bag of Chocolate (Aldi 59p)

We do use a lot of things again, such as her book and the DVD but its just a nice little extra thing to do for her and gives her something to do whilst we do adult jobs.

I hope this has given you some inspiration :)

Happy Blogmas x


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