The Christmas Tag | 12 days of Blogmas

Wow, welcome to December, I am not quite sure how we are here already. December can only mean one thing, Christmas is almost here! I am pretty excited this year for Lilly but am also dreading it. I wanted to start the month off with The Christmas Tag as it gives you an idea of our Christmas.

1. What is your favourite Christmas film?

I absolutely love the Arthur Christmas for a more modern film but I also have a huge soft spot for Home Alone too.

2. Have you ever had a White Christmas?

I don't ever recall having a white Christmas, it usually snows in January or February which is a shame really. We haven't had a huge amount of snow since 2010 so quite a while back. 

3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?

We normally have the morning at home just us three, then go to a family members for lunch and some well needed family time. 

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?

I think my favourite song has to be Christmas time (don't let the bells ring) by the Darkness, I just love it, a guilty pleasure you may say.

5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

No never!!!

6. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and of course we cannot forget Rudolph 

7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?

Watching the Snowman on Christmas Eve, opening Missy's stocking on our bed on Christmas morning and the quality family time.

8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

Sadly ours is fake :(

9. What is your all-time favourite holiday food/sweet treat?

My favourite food has to be pigs in blankets and my favourite sweet treat is a homemade Christmas cake, it's just a little to mourish.

10. Be honest: do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?

Before I had Lilly is honestly was receiving but since having a child it is all about her, I love the look on her face and the excitement of her opening her gifts.

11. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

Oh wow, that's a hard one, I think my favourite gift has to have been my pink DS when I was about 13 maybe 14. It was an utter surprise and I remember opening the case before the actual DS.

12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?

I am sadly going to be quite obvious and I would love to go to Lapland, the snow, the northern lights, seeing Santa and sleigh rides. I would also love to take a trip to Disney for Christmas too. 

13. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?

I am not bad, not the best but can do a pretty good job when I put my mind to it.

14. Most memorable Holiday moment?

I think my most memorable Holiday moment is Lilly trying Christmas dinner for the first time, she was almost 4 months old and was really not impressed. She had this adorable bib says 'First Christmas' which ended up getting covered in it. 

15. What made you realise the truth about Santa?

I was sadly told by my Auntie, my Mum was not happy what so ever. At the moment Lilly believes in Santa and I love it, she is so excited for him to come, I just wish the illusion could last longer, they are not Children for long enough,

16. Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?

Yes, every year but I never stick to them, or forget what ones I actually made.

17. What makes the holidays special for you?

My daughter, Christmas is really important during Childhood in my opinion. Also spending time with the family, making memories and laughing. 

I really hope that you have enjoyed this Tag. I would love to know all about you Christmas's too, so if you have done something similar I would love to see it. I tag anyone who would like to. :)


  1. I love this tag! I love anything to do with Christmas, Arthur Christmas is a firm favourite here too!

  2. I was talking with friends a few days ago about realising Santa isn't real and I genuinely don't remember at what point I realised.

  3. Love this. We have a fake tree also this year. Hone alone is my fav. Funny enough just watched Arthur Christmas this evening it was very funny x

  4. The tags are a good way to get to know more about you.I love christmas movies too.

  5. What a fun tag! I do remember having a white christmas and it was so lovely, but it was a good few years back. I also LOVE Arthur Christmas & Home Alone!

  6. Nothing wrong with a fake tree - at least they're better for the environment. Ours is fake too.

  7. This is a fun tag! I wish i can have a white christmas here in Philippines. I think it is wonderful.


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