5 Christmas books for 5 year olds | 12 Days of Blogmas

I love reading to, and now with Lilly, I think it makes her imagination work, teaches her things and makes her more aware of everything around her. We have quite a large pile of Christmas/wintery books which we get out every year and add to as well. 

I have picked 5 favourites which are completely related to Christmas that we love in this house, I like the more traditional stories that make the meaning of Christmas more apparent and the magic real for as long as possible.

The night before Christmas - A complete classic, we have had this book since she was just one, I wanted to make it a Christmas eve tradition to read it together.

A Christmas Carol - Another classic story, this one is actually new to our collection (Aldi) but Lilly knows the story due to the Cbeebies Christmas show.

When I dream of Christmas - This is an amazing book explaining some lovely things about Christmas. It includes the meaning of Christmas and some traditions that families have too

Santa is coming to (local town) - My Mum picked this book up for Lilly, it is all about Santa visiting our local town, she loves being able to recognise some the the locations 

The snowman and the snowdog - I absolutely love that Raymond Biggs wrote a second story with the snowman, the snowman character is so iconic now too. 

What books do you like to read with your little ones around Christmas time?


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