My Yankee Candle Christmas selection | 12 Days of Blogmas

At this time of year candles are essential for our house and them being scented is just a huge bonus. The home smells do festive when one of these are lot and I absolutely love the range of scents they have. 

I have a few votive Yankee candles that I have, these include normal Yankee candles and the home inspiration yankee camdles too. 

Christmas Eve - This is by far my favourite festive scent, this seems to be a mixture of everything Christmas, the fruits, the spices. It is just such a warm and cosy scent perfect for a wintery night.

Christmas Memories - Another favourite of mine for this time of year, this one is a lot warmer and spicier than Christmas eve, this reminds me of all the Christmas baking that we do over this time of year with ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon. 

Candy Cane Lane - This is a new one to my collection and I really like this. It is a mixture peppermint and vanilla so it isn't too overpowering and doesn't smell like tooth paste.

Merry Berry - This scent is more of a scent you can use over both Autumn and winter. To me it is a warm cherry scent, It reminds me of the cherries that you get in a cocktail, perfect for a winters evening.

Christmas Morning - Lastly is Christmas morning, this to me has some similarities to the first to but on a much smaller scale, it also has hints of pine in and just smells so good.

I am a sucker for my festive candles and cannot wait for my home to smell Christmasy for the rest of the month. Tell me, what is your favourite candle scent for the time of year?


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