My Christmas Cake | Recipe & Method | 12 days of Blogmas

I have created a 6 inch round Christmas cake for 2016 which is smaller than normal but this time it is just for me and Lilly. I had a few problems on the way like dropping the cake for one, luckily I managed to scoop it back ito the tin and cook for a bit longer to set it.

Here is the recipe and method for you all, it's not to late to make one for yourself.


700g Mixed fruit
25g Ground Almonds
50g Glace cherries
150g Plain flour
1/2 tsp Mixed spice
150g Butter
150g Brown sugar
1/2 Lemon rind and juice
3 Standard eggs
100ml Rum/Brandy/Whisky


1 Preheat oven to 200oc/gas mark 6
2 Line sides and bottom of cake tin with double parchment paper
3 Cream butter and sugar until fluffy
4 Beat in eggs one at a time, if starts to curdle add a little flour
5 Add rind and juice of the lemon
6 Mix flour, ground almonds and spice together
7 Toss mixed fruit and cherries into flour
8 Add fruit and flour to other ingredients a little at a time, add half the rum ( or soak the fruit in alcohol overnight) Save some to feed the cake if haven't already soaked.
9 Place mixture into the prepared tin and press down to make it even. 
10 Tie brown paper around the outside of the tin so its about 2 inches above tin
11 Place on baking tray and place in the middle of the oven
12 Turn oven down to gas 160oc/ mark 3 for 1 hour
13 Turn oven down to 150oc/ gas mark 2 for the next hour
14 Turn oven down to 140oc/ gas mark 1 for the final hour
15 Check mixture every 30 mins after until a skewer come outs clean
16 Feed for next week unless you have soaked the fruit
17 Marzipan and Ice and decorate

If you do create this I would love to see it :)



  1. I really love making Christmas cake and this is a gorgeous design :)

  2. I love the little decorations! You can't beat Christmas cake x

  3. This is really impressive, one year I will get round to making my very own Christmas Cake x

  4. This looks great - I am not a baker and have never made a Christmas cake! I love the design of yours. Kaz x

  5. Your cake looks wonderful, I really want to try make one this year.

  6. What a lovely looking cake. Looks very delicious.

  7. I really want to do some baking soon! I love christmas baking :) This cake looks wonderful, very wintery :D

  8. I don't think I've ever made my own Christmas cake, that's really bad isn't it. I like the size of this one so perhaps I will give it a go

  9. I haven't made my own Christmas cake but this one looks and sounds fantastic! Your cake looks stunning and it sounds delicious. xx

  10. Your Christmas cake looks amazing well done. I’ve never been brave enough to attempt a Christmas cake and this year isn’t any different:-)

    1. They are honestly not as hard to make as people make out, and they always taste better x

  11. I've never actually eaten Christmas Cake before but this looks really lovely. x

  12. That is one lovely looking cake. I need to try and make one soon!

  13. That cake looks great. I've never made a Christmas cake before.

  14. I love this. I have never made my own Christmas cake. Kaz x

  15. I love a good christmas cake and this one looks amazing. Never made one before

  16. I haven't made a Christmas cake in years but yours looks great and simple to do too!

  17. I don't think I have ever made a Christmas cake, but it reminds me so much of when I was younger. I used to love watching my Mother make it, and later on decorate it. I'd always have the pleasure of adding the little decorations she'd bought, things made of ceramic. Yours looks delightful, so festive and perfect for Christmas.

  18. Didn't get round to making a Christmas cake this year but yours looks lovely - I like simpler cake decoration - it's always somehow more effective.


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