One stressed Mummy!

Do you ever feel like someone above doesn't like you so throws everything they can at you? That's how I feel right now.

The past month has been awful! We have had no end of money issues, I hit a pot hole and damaged my car (fixed now) we have all been ill in one way or another and to top it off Lilly is acting like a threenager.

I partially mentioned this in my Mummy + Me post but it just seems to be getting worse. The past few days she has had strange mood swings, she has started throwing toys (which she knows not to do), she says NO constantly and strops when something doesn't go her way. If she's like this now, I dread to think whar the teens are going to be like (I may pack my bags before then haha).

I must admit I do over worry about things and hold things in to much which she may pick up on but I have always been like that and unsure how to get myself out of that frame of mind. I do try and hide my trials and tribulations from her as much as possible as she has enough to cope with being a toddler.

I no I am not the perfect Mum and I know that Lilly isn't all bad at all, I just sometimes feel like I need to vent to get the worse off of my shoulders.



  1. I think it's totally acceptable for mums to vent! You have a stressful job and everyone needs a safe space to let it out :) xx

  2. Hope lilly is feeling happier. We have days like that and it's normally because Rosalie is tired xx

    1. I think it's where she was ill then we went away, maybe it's just built up in her x

  3. We have had sickness in our home too - feels like it is just one after another and we can't catch a break. Makes me appreciate when we are doing well and all healthy :) x

  4. I hope this month will be much better for u. Money issues on top of other things can make u so stressed.

    1. Thank you. I hate the fact that money is such a vital part of living. X

  5. Ah everyone told me that the terrible twos are hard work but MAN the threenager stage is hard!! It does get easier, but I am not looking forward to Elsie reaching that stage! xx

    1. No one warns you it gets worse lol. I can't wait for thus phase to be done haha x

  6. It's healthy to vent sometimes! It's better to get it out than keep it in. I often find that bad things tend to come in batches and it can be hard to see past them but they will clear eventually. Just make sure you make time for yourself as well to get away from the stress :)

    1. I did feel a lot better after this :) and I did have a bit if me time thank you. A lovely bubble bath, a glass of bubbly and some yankee candles x

  7. Oh gosh, everyone has days like this. You are not alone. Just remember that it's probably just a phase, and it will pass. Stay strong Mama xo

    1. I hope this phase is close to an end lol. I'm feeling a lot calmer now thank you x

  8. You're not alone and it's good to vent. I hope this month gets better for you x

  9. It's perfectly fine to have a rant. Us mums have a lot to deal with.


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