BHP Show 2016 • Lydden Hill

The last time I visited the BHP show I was pregnant with Lil's and it was only a one day event. This year I got to take my baby back to see it for herself and enjoy two days there instead, including a COLD night of camping. 

The BHP show is (I believe) a yearly event which takes place at Lydden Hill Race Circuit. This is about 1 hour and a half drive from our house so not too far for us to go, Lilly was as good as gold travelling both there and back, but then again she slept the whole way back. 

The show wasn't as good as back in 2012 due to the lack of demo's but the Drift Allstars team were amazing and made Lilly scream with joy after a silly 5 minutes of being scared. 

On the Sunday we took a look around the pits, that's a big reason why we like Lydden hill is because of the open pits. There were so many nice cars both drift cars and track day cars too. Lilly was very excited especially aboutt the purple one pictured below. 

There was a giant Corbeau seat which me and Lilly could not resist, Lilly literally had to climb onto it. 

My arty shot

That night we camped as the Monday promised to be the main day of racing. We had a BBQ for dinner and Lilly fell asleep in my arms about 7:30pm. Sadly we had a family with a campervan using a generator right next to our tent till 11pm but luckily Lilly slept through that. 

There was supposed to be live music that night but a few days before the event they had to change it to the next day due to rules and regulaions.

Once we had eaten our dinner we toasted marshmallows over the BBQ and tried to enjoy our evening. The sleep wasn't the best, it was quite cold and there certainly wasn't enough room for the three of us on our camp bed, I almost fell off twice. Lilly was lovely and cosy between me and Liam and we got an ok sleep with Lilly waking at the usual 6am.

The next day we packed up all the bits and sorted our cars out, we did chuck our tent away though as the zip broke on both doors and there was a bedroom missing too. 

The second day was a cold and wet so we spent the day in the car watching the drifting and track time. There were some amazing sounding cars and even a people carrier went out during the track time which made us chuckle. 

Midday on the Monday they held a soapbox race, we managed to catch the last contestant as there were only three entered but it was funny all the same. 

The drifting final was so good and it had dried out a bit by then and the tyre smoke made the last few runs looks so dramatic. I not 100% sure who won but the two in the final were amazing.

It was a shame that there were no displays this year but we did enjoy ourselves but couldn't wait to get home that night.

We had a great time but we will certainly be looking at alternative places to stay in future. 



  1. Sounds like a fun family trip! Gotta love toasted marshmallows :)

    1. It was but it was a shame there were no demos as promised though x

  2. My husband would love this. He has driven fast cars and love the F!. I may have to take him next year!

    1. We like the BDC which is British Drifting championship. X

  3. Sounds like a fun trip! BBQ looks great too

  4. Wow it looks like so much fun! The cars look incredible

    1. Most of the cars have so much work done on them, its crazy x

  5. My little boy would love this, I love a good family day x

  6. Looks a great family day out! Not a bog car fan myself, but I've been to some of these shows before and there's always something for everyone there :) x

    1. I do like my cars but would rather go to the Harry Potter studios lol x

  7. roasting marshmallows is so fun isn't it, such nostalgia over doing that myself as a child. Looks like a fun show, I love the vintage looking car! x

  8. You are brave going to this with your little one - go you! I'm not really into racing, but my boy would love it. Though I think I'd leave him and his dada to it, hehe! xx

    1. We braved it a couple of years back too, It was colder then lol. I'm kind of into cars but not half as much as Lil's or her Daddy x

  9. I could not be LESS interested in cars!! My kids, however, would LOVE this! I think I would have to send him with someone else who would appreciate it! H x

    1. I've been brought up around cars since I was a baby, my man loves cars more than most people I know and Lil"s is just like her dad x

  10. I think I agree with Lilly - That purple car is fantastic! Sorry you had such a disturbed night's sleep - Looks freezing!

    1. She does have good taste :) and I think it made us appreciate our heated blanket and bed more haha x

  11. My hubby would love this. Me not so much. BBQ and toatsed marshmallows sound fab. That's a shame that the displays were cancelled x

    1. It really did let the event down but we stl made the most of it x

  12. My hubby & boys would love this, me too actually! Sounds like you had a fab time despite the weather


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